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Anzahl Resultate: 3

Autor*, Herausgeber*, Mitwirkende, weitere Person
Penzinger, Sebastian Heinrich 1689-1735 Verfasser (DE-588)124641075
Titel- und UrheberangabenR.P. Sebastiani Henrici Penzingeri, Consistorialis Passaviensis, Decani, & Parochi in Trauttmanstorff ad Laitam Bonus Ordo Triplicis Formatæ Concionis Moralis In Omnia Festa Sanctorum In Amplissima Diœcesi Passaviensi celebria per totum Annum
In Exordio Thema assumptum, SS. Patrum nervosis verbis, ac Dictis, ut inconcussis Veritatis columnis fulcitur; In Confirmatione Conceptus elegantissimi adferuntur; Epilogus, aut Sacræ Scripturæ, aut alicujus S. Patris sententiâ concluditur. In Fine accessêre Encomia B. Mariæ Virginis Discursibus quadraginta quatuor constantia. In bonum usum eorum vel maximè, qui copiâ librorum carent, vel multa legendi otium non habent. Cum Indice locupletissimo Thematum rerumque memorabilium
Sumptibus Johannis Leonhardi Buggelii
Signatur Exemplar ID011674611

Autor*, Herausgeber*, Mitwirkende, weitere Person
Gruyer, François-Anatole 1825-1909 Verfasser (DE-588)102486174
Titel- und UrheberangabenLes vierges de Raphaël et l'iconographie de la vierge
par F.-A. Gruyer
Librarie de Vve Jules Renouard; Éthiou-Pérou, directeur-gérant
Herstellungsort / HerstellerParis
Imprimerie J. Claye
Signatur Exemplar K03f Tome 1 K03f Tome 2 K03f Tome 3 K04c Tome 1 K04c Tome 2 K04c Tome 3

Autor*, Herausgeber*, Mitwirkende, weitere Person
LeFèvre D'Étaples, Jacques 1455-1536 (DE-588)118682938
Titel- und UrheberangabenJacques Lefèvre d'Étaples and the Three Maries debatesOn Mary Magdalen, On Christ's three days in the tomb, On the one Mary in place of three
On the threefold and single Magdalen

a discussion : a second discussion
On Mary Magdalen, On Christ's three days in the tomb, On the one Mary in place of three
On the threefold and single Magdalen

a discussion : a second discussion

introduction, Latin text, English translation and annotation by Sheila M. Porrer
Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples and the Three Maries debatesOn Mary Magdalen, On Christ's three days in the tomb, On the one Mary in place of three
On the threefold and single Magdalen

a discussion : a second discussion
On Mary Magdalen, On Christ's three days in the tomb, On the one Mary in place of three
On the threefold and single Magdalen

a discussion : a second discussion

introduction, Latin text, English translation and annotation by Sheila M. Porrer
Signatur Exemplar K18f ; EBEST3010776

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