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Titel- und UrheberangabenThe Elements of Architecture
Signatur Exemplar 1355

Titel- und UrheberangabenM. Vitruvii Pollionis De architectura libri decem
cum notis, castigationibus & observationibus Guilielmi Philandri integris; Danielis Barbari excerptis, & Claudii Salmasii passim insertis ; praemittuntur Elementa architecturae / collecta ab illustri viro Henrico Wottono ... ; accedunt Lexicon Vitruvianum Bernardini Baldi ...; et eiusdem Scamilli impares Vitruviani ; De pictura libri tres absolutissimi Leonis Baptistae de Albertis ; De sculptura excerpta maxime animadvertenda ex Dialogo Pomponii Gaurici ... ; Ludovici Demontiosii Commentarius de sculptura et pictura ; cum variis indicibus copiosissimis
omnia in unum collecta, digesta & illustrata a Ioanne de Laet Antwerpiano
apud Ludovicum Elzevirium
anno 1649
Signatur Exemplar A04a ; app. 858

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe ground-rules of architecture
collected from the best authors and examples by the learned and ingenious gentleman Sir Henry Wotton, in his Elements of architecture
printed in the year 1686
Signatur Exemplar A06c

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe mirror of architecture: or, The ground-rules of the art of building
exactly laid down by Vincent Scamozzi master builder of Venice. Reviewed and inlarged with the addition of a diagonal scale, being very useful for dividing the author his given parts into minutes, whereby the principal points of architecture are easily and plainly demonstrated for the benefit of all lovers and ingenious practitioners in the said art. By Joachim Schuym of Amsterdam. Translated out of Dutch by W.F. Hereunto is added the description and use of an ordinary joynt-rule fitted with lines for the ready finding the lengths and angles of rafters, and hips and collarbeams in any square or bevelling roof at any pitch, and the ready drawing the architrave, frize, and cornice in any order. With other useful conclusions by the said rule. By John Browne
printed for Nath. Rolls, ...
Signatur Exemplar A06c

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe mirror of architecture: or, The ground-rules of the art of building
exactly laid down by Vincent Scamozzi master builder of Venice. Reviewed and inlarged with the addition of a diagonal scale, being very useful for dividing the author his given parts into minutes, whereby the principal points of architecture are easily and plainly demonstrated for the benefit of all lovers and ingenious practitioners in the said art. By Joachim Schuym of Amsterdam. Translated out of Dutch by W.F. Hereunto is added the description and use of an ordinary joynt-rule fitted with lines for the ready finding the lengths and angles of rafters, and hips and collarbeams in any square or bevelling roof at any pitch, and the ready drawing the architrave, frize, and cornice in any order. With other useful conclusions by the said rule. By John Browne
printed for Nath. Rolls, ...
Signatur Exemplar A07b Sammelwerk

Titel- und UrheberangabenA parallel of the antient architecture with the modern, in a collection of ten principal authors who have written upon the five orders, viz. Palladio and Scamozzi, Serlio and Vignola, D. Barbaro and Cataneo, L.B. Alberti and Viola, Bullant and De Lorme, compared with one another
the three Greek orders, Dorick, Ionick, and Corinthian, comprise the first part of this treatise; and the two Latin, Tuscan and Composita, the latter

written in French by Roland Freart, ... ; made English for the benefit of builders ; to which is added, An account of architects and architecture, in an historical and etymological explanation of certain terms particularly affected by architects, with Leon Baptista Alberti's treatise of statues / by John Evelyn, ...
printed by T.W. for D. Browne, J. Walthoe, B. and S. Tooke, D. Midwinter, W. Mears, and F. Clay
Signatur Exemplar A10c

Titel- und UrheberangabenA parallel of the ancient architecture with the modern
y John Evelyn, Esq; fellow of the Royal Society

in a collection of ten principal authors who have written upon the five orders, viz. Palladio and Scamozzi, Serlio and Vignola, D. Barbaro and Cataneo, L.B. Alberti and Viola, Bullant and De Lorme, compared with one another : the three Greek orders, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, comprise the first part of this treatise. And the two Latin, Tuscan and Composita, the latter

written in French by Roland Freart, sieur de Chambray ; made English for the benefit of builders
by John Evelyn, Esq; fellow of the Royal Society

in a collection of ten principal authors who have written upon the five orders, viz. Palladio and Scamozzi, Serlio and Vignola, D. Barbaro and Cataneo, L.B. Alberti and Viola, Bullant and De Lorme, compared with one another : the three Greek orders, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, comprise the first part of this treatise. And the two Latin, Tuscan and Composita, the latter
To which is added An account of architects and architecture, in an historical and etymological explanation of certain terms, particularly affected by architects. With Leon Baptista Alberti's Treatise of statues
written in French by Roland Freart, sieur de Chambray ; made English for the benefit of builders
by John Evelyn, Esq; fellow of the Royal Society
printed by T.W. for J. Walthoe, D. Midwinter, and A. Ward; W. Mears, F. Clay, B. Motte, and D. Browne
Signatur Exemplar A10c Sammelwerk

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