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Anzahl Resultate: 2

Titel- und Urheberangaben[Andrea Palladio's Architecture, in four books]
[containing a dissertation on the five orders & ye most necessary observations relating to all kinds of building. As also the different constructions of public and private houses, high-ways, bridges, market-places, xystes, & temples, w.th their plans, sections, & elevations. The whole containing 226 folio copper-plates carefully revis'd and redelineated by Edw.d Hoppus surveyors to ye Corporation of the London Assurance and embellish'd w.th a large variety of chimney pieces collected from the works of Inigo Jones & others]
[Andrea Palladio's Architecture, in four books]
[containing a dissertation on the five orders & ye most necessary observations relating to all kinds of building. As also the different constructions of public and private houses, high-ways, bridges, market-places, xystes, & temples, w.th their plans, sections, & elevations. The whole containing 226 folio copper-plates carefully revis'd and redelineated by Edw.d Hoppus surveyors to ye Corporation of the London Assurance and embellish'd w.th a large variety of chimney pieces collected from the works of Inigo Jones & others]
[printed for & sold by the proprietor, & engraver, Benj: Cole at the corner of Kings-Head-Court near Fetter Lane Holborn and by ye booksellers of London & Westminster]
Signatur Exemplar A14d Book 3 und 4 in 1 Bd.

Titel- und UrheberangabenAn essay on architecture
in which its true principles are explained, and invariable rules proposed, for directing the judgment and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect, with regard to the different kinds of buildings, the embellishment of cities, and the planning of gardens

adorned with a frontispiece, designed by Mr. Wale, and curiously engraven
An essay on architecture
in which its true principles are explained, and invariable rules proposed, for directing the judgment and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect, with regard to the different kinds of buildings, the embellishment of cities, and the planning of gardens

adorned with a frontispiece, designed by Mr. Wale, and curiously engraven
printed for T. Osborne and Shipton, ...
Signatur Exemplar A11b ; 1357

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