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Anzahl Resultate: 2

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe city and country purchaser’s and builder’s dictionary: or, The complete builder’s guide
containing an explanation of all the terms of art used by workmen; as also what is necessary to be known in the art of building, as well by gentlemen, as artificers of every denomination. In the following useful particulars, viz. The qualities, quantities, proportions, and value of all materials used in building. The best method of preparing those materials. The methods of measuring most sorts of artificers work. The city and country prices of workmanship. Aphorisms, or rules necessary to be observed in building, as to situation, contrivance, compactness, uniformity, conveniency, firmness, form, etc. Estimates of the expence of building any fabrick, great or small. Rules for the valuation of houses. Rules to be observed in repairs, etc. The propagation and culture of such trees, as are used in building, and planted as well for ornament as profit, with the soils and management pro
The city and country purchaser’s and builder’s dictionary: or, The complete builder’s guide
containing an explanation of all the terms of art used by workmen; as also what is necessary to be known in the art of building, as well by gentlemen, as artificers of every denomination. In the following useful particulars, viz. The qualities, quantities, proportions, and value of all materials used in building. The best method of preparing those materials. The methods of measuring most sorts of artificers work. The city and country prices of workmanship. Aphorisms, or rules necessary to be observed in building, as to situation, contrivance, compactness, uniformity, conveniency, firmness, form, etc. Estimates of the expence of building any fabrick, great or small. Rules for the valuation of houses. Rules to be observed in repairs, etc. The propagation and culture of such trees, as are used in building, and planted as well for ornament as profit, with the soils and management pro
printed for B. Sprint, D. Browne, J. Osborn, S. Birt, H. Lintot, and A. Wilde
Signatur Exemplar B13c

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe principles of painting, under the heads of anatomy attitude accident architecture composition claro-obscuro contrast colouring design disposition draperies expression harmony history invention landskip lights proportion passion portraiture sculpture style truth unity, etc.
in which is contained, an account of the Athenian, Roman, Venetian and Flemish schools. To which is added, The balance of painters. Being the names of the most noted painters, and their degrees of perfection in the four principal parts of their art: of singular use to those who would form an idea of the value of painting and pictures

written originally in French by Mons. Du Piles, author of The lives of the painters. And now first translated into English. By a painter
The principles of painting, under the heads of anatomy attitude accident architecture composition claro-obscuro contrast colouring design disposition draperies expression harmony history invention landskip lights proportion passion portraiture sculpture style truth unity, etc.
in which is contained, an account of the Athenian, Roman, Venetian and Flemish schools. To which is added, The balance of painters. Being the names of the most noted painters, and their degrees of perfection in the four principal parts of their art: of singular use to those who would form an idea of the value of painting and pictures

written originally in French by Mons. Du Piles, author of The lives of the painters. And now first translated into English. By a painter
printed for J. Osborn, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12a ; lib.d.M3/01

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