Einfache Suche im Bestand unserer Bibliothek

Einfache Suche im Bestand unserer Bibliothek


Anzahl Resultate: 1 bis 20 von 24

Titel- und UrheberangabenDialogue sur le coloris Dialogue sur le coloris
A Paris
chez Nicolas Langlois, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.d.M3/10

Titel- und UrheberangabenConversations sur la connoissance de la peinture, et sur le jugement qu'on doit faire des tableaux
où par occasion il est parlé de la vie de Rubens, et de quelques-uns de ses plus beaux ouvrages
Conversations sur la connoissance de la peinture, et sur le jugement qu'on doit faire des tableaux
où par occasion il est parlé de la vie de Rubens, et de quelques-uns de ses plus beaux ouvrages
A Paris
chez Nicolas Langlois, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.d.M3/16

Titel- und UrheberangabenDissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres
[... De Piles]
Dissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres
[... De Piles]
A Paris
chez Nicolas Langlois, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.d.M3/13.2 In Sammelband (enth. 2 Werke)

Titel- und UrheberangabenDissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres
[... De Piles]
Dissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres
[... De Piles]
A Paris
chez Nicolas Langlois, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.d.M3/08

Titel- und UrheberangabenL'art de peinture
de C.A. Du Fresnoy, traduit en françois. Enrichy de remarques, reveu, corrigé, & augmenté
L'art de peinture
de C.A. Du Fresnoy, traduit en françois. Enrichy de remarques, reveu, corrigé, & augmenté
A Paris
chez Nicolas Langlois, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.b.XX3/64 Sammelband

Titel- und UrheberangabenLes premiers elemens de la peinture pratique
enrichis de figures de proportion mesurées sur l'antique

dessinées & gravées par J.B. Corneille peintre de l'Academie Royale
Les premiers elemens de la peinture pratique
enrichis de figures de proportion mesurées sur l'antique

dessinées & gravées par J.B. Corneille peintre de l'Academie Royale
A Paris
chez Nicolas Langlois, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.d.M3/13.1 In Sammelband (enth. 2 Werke)

Titel- und UrheberangabenLes premiers elemens de la peinture pratique
Enrichis de Figures de Proportion mesurées sur l'Antique,

dessinées & gravées par J.B. Corneille Peintre de l'Academie Royale.
Les premiers elemens de la peinture pratique
Enrichis de Figures de Proportion mesurées sur l'Antique,

dessinées & gravées par J.B. Corneille Peintre de l'Academie Royale.
Chez Nicolas Langlois
Signatur Exemplar lib.d.M3/15 Sammelband

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe art of painting, and the lives of the painters
containing, a compleat treatise of painting, designing, and the use of prints: With reflections on the works of the most celebrated painters, and of the several schools of Europe, as well ancient as modern. Being the newest, and most perfect work of the kind extant

done from the French of Monsieur De Piles. To which is added, An essay towards an English-school, with the lives and characters of above 100 painters
The art of painting, and the lives of the painters
containing, a compleat treatise of painting, designing, and the use of prints: With reflections on the works of the most celebrated painters, and of the several schools of Europe, as well ancient as modern. Being the newest, and most perfect work of the kind extant

done from the French of Monsieur De Piles. To which is added, An essay towards an English-school, with the lives and characters of above 100 painters
printed for J. Nutt ...
Signatur Exemplar A12a ; lib.d.M3/03

Titel- und UrheberangabenCours de peinture par principes
composé par Mr de Piles
Cours de peinture par principes
composé par Mr de Piles
A Paris
chez Jacques Estienne, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.d.M3/06

Titel- und UrheberangabenHistorie Und Leben Der berühmtesten europæischen Mahler,
So sich durch ihre Kunst-Stücke bekand gemacht, samt einigen reflexions darüber, Und Abbildung eines Volkommenen Mahlers, Nach welcher die Mahlerey als einer Regul kan beurtheilet werden, Wobey auch der Nutzen und Gebrauch der Kupferstucke, und Erklärung der gebräuchlichen Mahler-Wörter,

Verfertiget von Monsr. de Piles.
Historie Und Leben Der berühmtesten europæischen Mahler,
So sich durch ihre Kunst-Stücke bekand gemacht, samt einigen reflexions darüber, Und Abbildung eines Volkommenen Mahlers, Nach welcher die Mahlerey als einer Regul kan beurtheilet werden, Wobey auch der Nutzen und Gebrauch der Kupferstucke, und Erklärung der gebräuchlichen Mahler-Wörter,

Verfertiget von Monsr. de Piles.
bey Benjamin Schillern
Signatur Exemplar lib.d.M3/05

Autor*, Herausgeber*, Mitwirkende, weitere Person
Piles, Roger de 1635-1709 (DE-588)118792180
Titel- und UrheberangabenAbregé de la vie des peintres,
Avec des reflexions sur leurs Ouvrages, Et un Traité du Peintre parfait; De la connoissance des Desseins; De l'utilité des Estampes.

Par M. de Piles.
Abregé de la vie des peintres,
Avec des reflexions sur leurs Ouvrages, Et un Traité du Peintre parfait; De la connoissance des Desseins; De l'utilité des Estampes.

Par M. de Piles.
Chez Jacques Estienne
Signatur Exemplar lib.d.M3/11

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe art of painting
y R.G. Esq;

by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks: Translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: By Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq;
As also A short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks: Translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: By Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq;
As also A short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modernThe art of painting
y R.G. Esq;

by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks: Translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: By Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq;
As also A short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks: Translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: By Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq;
As also A short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
printed for Bernard Lintott, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12d ; lib.d.M4/06

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe art of painting
y R.G. Esq.

by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks ; translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: by Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq.
As also a short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks ; translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: by Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq.
As also a short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modernThe art of painting
y R.G. Esq.

by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks ; translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: by Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq.
As also a short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks ; translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: by Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq.
As also a short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
printed for B. L. and sold by William Taylor ...
Signatur Exemplar C18uf ; cave.N3/26

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe principles of painting, under the heads of anatomy attitude accident architecture composition claro-obscuro contrast colouring design disposition draperies expression harmony history invention landskip lights proportion passion portraiture sculpture style truth unity, etc.
in which is contained, an account of the Athenian, Roman, Venetian and Flemish schools. To which is added, The balance of painters. Being the names of the most noted painters, and their degrees of perfection in the four principal parts of their art: of singular use to those who would form an idea of the value of painting and pictures

written originally in French by Mons. Du Piles, author of The lives of the painters. And now first translated into English. By a painter
The principles of painting, under the heads of anatomy attitude accident architecture composition claro-obscuro contrast colouring design disposition draperies expression harmony history invention landskip lights proportion passion portraiture sculpture style truth unity, etc.
in which is contained, an account of the Athenian, Roman, Venetian and Flemish schools. To which is added, The balance of painters. Being the names of the most noted painters, and their degrees of perfection in the four principal parts of their art: of singular use to those who would form an idea of the value of painting and pictures

written originally in French by Mons. Du Piles, author of The lives of the painters. And now first translated into English. By a painter
printed for J. Osborn, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12a ; lib.d.M3/01

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe art of painting, with the lives and characters of above 300 of the most eminent painters
containing a complete treatise of painting, designing, and the use of prints. With reflexions on the works of the most celebrated masters, and of the several schools of Europe, as well ancient as modern. Being the most perfect work of the kind extant

translated from the French of Monsieur De Piles. To which is added, An essay towards an English school
The art of painting, with the lives and characters of above 300 of the most eminent painters
containing a complete treatise of painting, designing, and the use of prints. With reflexions on the works of the most celebrated masters, and of the several schools of Europe, as well ancient as modern. Being the most perfect work of the kind extant

translated from the French of Monsieur De Piles. To which is added, An essay towards an English school
printed for Charles Marsh, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12a ; lib.d.M3/02

UrheberRussel, James 1720-1763 Verfasser (DE-588)1025393104
Titel- und UrheberangabenLetters From A Young Painter Abroad To His Friends In England
Adorned with Copper Plates

[James Russel]
Printed for W. Russel
MDCCL. [1750]
Signatur Exemplar L15d ; ID011687085(1) Vol. 1 (in Sammelband) L15d ; ID011687085(2) Vol. 2 (in Sammelband)

Titel- und UrheberangabenL'art de peinture
de C.A. Du Fresnoy, traduit en françois. Enrichi de Remarques, revû, corrigé, & augmenté par Monsieur de Piles
L'art de peinture
de C.A. Du Fresnoy, traduit en françois. Enrichi de Remarques, revû, corrigé, & augmenté par Monsieur de Piles
A Paris
chez Charles Antoine Jombert, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.d.M3/12.1 In Sammelband

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe Art of Painting, with the lives and characters Of above 300 of the most Eminent painters:
Containing a Complete Treatise of painting, designing, and The use of prints. With Reflexions on the Works of the most Celebrated Masters, and of the several Schools of Europe, as well ancient as modern. Being the most perfect Work of the Kind extant.

Translated from the French of Monsieur De Piles. To which is added, An essay towards an English School.
The Art of Painting, with the lives and characters Of above 300 of the most Eminent painters:
Containing a Complete Treatise of painting, designing, and The use of prints. With Reflexions on the Works of the most Celebrated Masters, and of the several Schools of Europe, as well ancient as modern. Being the most perfect Work of the Kind extant.

Translated from the French of Monsieur De Piles. To which is added, An essay towards an English School.
Printed for Thomas Payne
Signatur Exemplar lib.d.M3/04.1 Sammelband

Titel- und UrheberangabenRecueil de divers ouvrages sur la peinture et le coloris
par M. de Piles, de l'Académie royale de Peinture et de Sculpture.
Recueil de divers ouvrages sur la peinture et le coloris
par M. de Piles, de l'Académie royale de Peinture et de Sculpture.
A Paris
chez Ch. Ant. Jombert, imprimeur-libraire du Roi en son artillerie, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12b ; lib.d.M3/17

Titel- und UrheberangabenCours de peinture par principes
par Mr. de Piles, de l'Académie Royale de peinture et sculpture
Cours de peinture par principes
par Mr. de Piles, de l'Académie Royale de peinture et sculpture
A Amsterdam et a Leipsick
chez Arkstée & Merkus, libraires
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.d.M3/14

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