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Anzahl Resultate: 3

Titel- und UrheberangabenAn essay on design
including proposals for erecting a public academy to be supported by voluntary subscription (till a royal foundation can be obtain'd) for educating the British youth in drawing, and the several arts depending thereon

[J. Gwyn]
An essay on design
including proposals for erecting a public academy to be supported by voluntary subscription (till a royal foundation can be obtain'd) for educating the British youth in drawing, and the several arts depending thereon

[J. Gwyn]
printed: and sold by Ino. Brindley, bookseller to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales ... S. Harding ... [&] M. Payne ...
Signatur Exemplar B13d ; lib.d.N2/15 In Kassette

Titel- und UrheberangabenAn essay on architecture
in which its true principles are explained, and invariable rules proposed, for directing the judgment and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect, with regard to the different kinds of buildings, the embellishment of cities, and the planning of gardens

adorned with a frontispiece, designed by Mr. Wale, and curiously engraven
An essay on architecture
in which its true principles are explained, and invariable rules proposed, for directing the judgment and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect, with regard to the different kinds of buildings, the embellishment of cities, and the planning of gardens

adorned with a frontispiece, designed by Mr. Wale, and curiously engraven
printed for T. Osborne and Shipton, ...
Signatur Exemplar A11b ; 1357

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe temple builder's most usefull companion
being fifty entire new original designs for pleasure and recreation; consisting of plans, elevations, and sections, in the Greek, Roman, and Gothic taste: Calculated for the ornamenting of parks, forests, woods, gardens, canals, eminences, extensive views, mounts, vistos, islands, &c. Together with a full explanation, in letter press, to teach design, and exact scales of measurement

by Thomas Collins Overton
The temple builder's most usefull companion
being fifty entire new original designs for pleasure and recreation; consisting of plans, elevations, and sections, in the Greek, Roman, and Gothic taste: Calculated for the ornamenting of parks, forests, woods, gardens, canals, eminences, extensive views, mounts, vistos, islands, &c. Together with a full explanation, in letter press, to teach design, and exact scales of measurement

by Thomas Collins Overton
printed for I. Taylor, ...
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 260

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